14 janúar 2007

Allt annað...og smá útúrsnúningur...

þegar ég byrjaði á þessu blogg dæmi þá var ég að forvitnast um hvernig svona væri uppbyggt, ekki það að ég ætlaði að fara að hella úr tilfinningum mínum á opnu vefsvæði, nei svo athyglissjúk væri ég ekki, bara sjá hvernig þetta kæmi út, gaman að byggja upp vefsíðu en spurning um framhaldið, (þið sem lesið eruð þá búin að fatta að ég er þrælathyglissjúk fyrst að ég er að hella úr skálum mínum hér á næstum hverju kvöldi) nema hvað að forvitnin hefur rekið mig á hverja síðuna á eftir annarri, jú sem sagt byrjaði á bloggar.is en eftir alltof margar bilanir og verulega mikla óþolinmæði gafst ég upp og setti upp þessa á blogspot.com, hér hef ég skemmt mér konunglega við að setja upp og breyta og bæta og svo hef ég tekið eftir því að margir eru farnir á svokallaða Moggablogg... og hvað geri ég ??? jebb komin með síðu á Moggablogginu, setti upp eina í gær og hef verið að föndra við hana. Nei ég ætla ekki að segja ykkur slóðina á henni alveg strax, bara svona að segja ykkur af þessu :o)
ps það skondna samt er að ég var varla búin að sleppa fyrstu færslunni þegar ég var komin með lesanda sem bauð mig velkomna og óskaði mér velfarnaðar, hehe það fannst mér sætt :o)

30 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

Þú ert rosalega dugleg að skrifa Maja mín, alltaf komin ný færsla þegar maður kíkir (daglega).
Farin að sakna ykkar helling.
Ingibjörg Jenný

Nafnlaus sagði...

Blesi staulaðist út úr hesthúsinu laugardagsmorgunn, var sóttur í þetta litla partý sem kallast Hreyfing púl og spjall í heilar 20 mín og gufubað á eftir,
Hvernig í ósköpunum er hægt að vera þunglyndur eftir svona meðferð, og tala svo ekki um félagskapin sem var auðvitað frábær eins og alltaf, takk búkolla
þinn Blesi

Búkolla sagði...

Ég er bara svona rosalega athyglissjúk orðin... verð bara að tjá mig á hverjum degi (eða næstum því)Söknum þín líka heilmikið...

Blesi minn, mín var ánægjan og hún var sko heilmikil, takk sömuleiðis.

Nafnlaus sagði...

Hæ sætust ... já ég er ekkert smá ánægð með þig. Ég kíki hingað inn reglulega og hef mjög gaman af. Ótrúlega ánægð með þig og þitt blogg.

koss og knús

Nafnlaus sagði...

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Nafnlaus sagði...

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Nafnlaus sagði...

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In the preceding part of this discourse I concluded that (a) the greatest hazard for you as a typical, well-balanced sports Bettor is that you may continually lose more than you win and thereby regularly exhaust your betting funds, and (b) to thoroughly analyse the likelihood of that happening you need to properly address the following questions:

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Nafnlaus sagði...

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How to convert and burn MPEG/AVI/WMV/MOV to DVD? I think after read this article, you can have a better understand.Before we start, we should know a little bit about MPEG files. MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) format has the extension .mpg or .mpeg. MPEG files can have one or more video streams and one or more audio streams. The video streams are compressed using MPEG-2 compression scheme. The audio streams are compressed using MPEG audio or AC3 compression scheme. Each compressed file needs a decompressor to be played or converted. The following guide walks you through the steps to convert Mpeg files into DVD using Wondershare Video to DVD Burner!
Now, let's take burn MPEG to DVD for example.
Step 1: Free download this DVD burner , installl and launch it.
Load your MPEG video files.
Click "Add file" button to select the MPEG files you wish to convert to DVD. You can preview or trim the video clip to get your favorite segment.
Step 2: (optional) Video Editing.
Click the "Text" tab to add your captions. And if you want to erase the original audio, just click the Audio tab, set the original parameter to Zero, then add music or even your voice-cover tracks as following.
Step 3: (optional) Select the transition effects between clips.
Click "Effect" tab and select the suitable transitions between your video clips. Double-click the thumbnail to preview the full effect.
Step 4: (optional) Select DVD menu from the template list.
There many pre-designed templates for you to choose from. You can also set the background music & background color here as well.
Step 5: Export and Burn.
Congratulations! Here comes the final part - exporting and burning. Set the output properties such as output format and/or aspect ratio then click "Burn to disk". You're done, it's that simple!
OK, we have finished the whole process of converting or burning MPEG to DVD. you also can use this powerful tool to burning AVI/WMV/MOV to DVD, Operations are the same with burning MPEG to DVD.

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t Places like Kmart, BigW and other variety stores are likely to hold the most stock, and even if you are out of luck in the store, you may be able to find a chain store willing to get them sent from a central dispatch center. Remember that there are plenty of knock offs of the brand around. This is currently less so in Australia than other places, but it makes looking for UGG boots in Sydney a surprisingly challenging task.. Los tiempos histricos reales vi muchos diseos simples de la dirndl. Hoy en da, usted puede venir a travs de muchas variantes caros de lo idntico. Esta especificacin alemana equipamiento estndar se ha labrado en un diseo ms sustancial y Styl de los tiempos de la temporada de invierno. [url=http://www.uggclearancetang.com]ugg boots clearance[/url] The inner side of the boots is made of fleece that allows your feet to breathe and still maintain the temperature of the body. You can wear sheepskin boots even without wearing leggings and socks. The fleece lining inside keeps you comfortable. It is the most casual and natural to match Uggs boots with jeans. All colors are available in this match and the black color is one of the wild sections. The key is to tuck the trouser legs into the boots, and you should pay attention to choose the jeans which are close-fitting, only in this way can you show you slender legs.do look out when looking for boots But what really took the popularity of ugg boots to a new level was the fact that many celebrities were spotted sporting them. This fuelled a worldwide demand for these boots and today, there are some really reputed companies that supply Ugg boots. Many people also refer to these boots as Australia Ugg Boots as this is the country of its origin.. [url=http://www.uggsnowbootsclearance.com]Ugg clearance[/url] These boots with tanned outer surface are made out of twin faced sheepskin and have fleece on the inside; soles of these boots are often synthetic. These boots are excellent for cold weather as they are incredibly soft and warm. Though these boots should not be worn during severe winters, wet conditions or when it is excessively muddy. Water may destroy your Ugg boots ad make them wet. Thus you do not feel comfortable. And if you are going to buy Ugg boots, the best product for this is Ugg Australia Sheepskin Water and Stain Repellent.. Ideals coming from UGG Classic Cardy, which pop stars first wearing outside the door. Since 2008, the discussion around if men should wear ugg boots never ended, on 2011, it is now open a new way to lead the fashion by football star Brady. When the men styles put on TV as well as online breakcast such as Facebook and Twitter, trends that men also can protect their feet by the stylish sheepskin..

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